Number 1:
Fear is a liar
Pen and watercolor on Arches. 14x18.
Its easy to believe what fear says, but you don’t have to listen!
Number 2: Shame has no hold on me
Pen and watercolor on Arches. 14x18.
Shame can cripple you. Its ok that you have messed up in life. Its not ok to let that shame control the time you have left.
Number 3: Mighty to Save
Pen and watercolor on Arches. 11x14.
Your God not only is mighty to save you, but takes great delight in you.
Number 4: Be Still
Pen and Watercolor on Arches. 11x14.
Your God will fight for you, you need only to be still.
Number 5: My God is Love
Pen and watercolor on Arches. 22x30.
God is love. He teaches us how to perfectly love everyone, even those we don’t like!
Number 6: Give Thanks
Pen and watercolor on Arches. 11x14.
It’s not easy to be thankful in every situation… but that’s what we are called to!
Number 7: The Battle
Pen and Watercolor on Arches. 11x14
Its not your battle to fight, so don’t act like you are doing it alone.
Number 8: All the Days
Pen and Watercolor on Arches. 11x14
Every single day of your life was already known by your Creator.
Number 9: Love Never Gives Up
Pen and Watercolor on Arches. 22x30
Love endures and pushes through the hardest of circumstances.
Number 10: Steadfast
Pen and Watercolor on Arches. 22x30
A steadfast love is one that never quits. We have this assurance from the LORD.
Number 11: Trust
Pen and watercolor on Arches. 16x20.
Trusting the Lord vs. Trusting the Lord with ALL YOUR HEART are two very different things.
Number 12: Grace
16x20 pen and ink on Arches in a reclaimed frame.
You will never understand how much grace you need until you are at your weakest point.
Number 13:
Fear Not
9x12 pen and watercolor on Arches in a reclaimed frame.
Did you know it says 365 times in the Bible to “fear not”? Well now you do.
Number 14: Strength
9x12 pen and watercolor on Arches. In a reclaimed frame from the garbage.
If you are in his will, then he will give you the strength to do it.
Number 15:
So Will I
11x14 pen and watercolor on Arches. Painted frame.
Surrender is hard, but a willing heart is a good start.
Number 16:
This too shall pass
16x20 pen and watercolor on Arches. Reclaimed frame.
This sounds like a Bible verse. It’s not. Still a good reminder though.
Number 17: Seek
9x12 pen, watercolor and stain on Arches. Painted frame.
Does the Lord give everything to those that seek him, or do those that seek him realize what they truly need?
Number 18:
I have prayed
8x10 pen and ink on watercolor.
A prayer from not just Hannah’s lips to the Lord, but from many, many mamas throughout history.
Number 19: Hope
11x14 Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Hope is the anchor of the soul… but what exactly is our hope?
Number 20: Joy
9x12 Pen and Watercolor on Arches
What is the joy of the Lord? What does the Lord find joy in?
Number 21: Safety
5x7 Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Kind of a weird verse without context, but one we all can still live by.
Number 22: I Will Praise
5x7 Pen and Watercolor on Arches
God did not mess up in anything he created, including you.
$10 prints available for this painting.
Number 23: Nothing
8x10 Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Paul penned this to some of the most persecuted Christians of the time. What a beautifully poetic reminder that there is nothing we can do to separate us from the love of God.
Number 24: He Watches Me
4x6 Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Why worry? The Lord doesn’t let even a sparrow fall from the sky without his knowledge, and you my friend, are much more valuable than any sparrow.
Number 25: Whatever
Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
What you think about shapes your whole life.
What is your thought life like?
Number 26: Surely Goodness
Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
The Lord is so very good and merciful.
Number 27: Everything
Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Do we view this as a suggestion, or a non negotiable way of living?
Number 28: Grace
Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
He gave us grace undeservedly, so that we could give grace away, too.
Number 29: Gift
Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Our culture no longer values children, but just because our society doesn’t think so, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
Number 30: It Is Well
Pen and Watercolor on Arches.
Whatever life brings, the Lord has taught me to say: it is well with me.
5x7 prints available of this painting for $10 (although I will not have them on hand for the show opening).